How can one apply for PR in USA after higher education?

How can one apply for PR in USA after higher education?

Published on:
January 27, 2024

How can one apply for PR in USA after higher education?

The United States, for centuries, has attracted immigrants from all corners of the world to its shores to work, study, and settle down. After high-class education, many students also decide to settle down in the nation and carve their careers in various fields. So if you too are someone who wishes to work and carve a great life in the USA, then this blog is surely for you.

The step-by-step guide, on how one can secure permanent residence in the United States, is as follows:

Understand your visa category

Most students enter the nation on an F1 visa which allows an individual to pursue a course from any University. After completing education, the Optional Practical Training (OPT) period allows graduates to gain practical work experience in their field of study. Familiarizing oneself with the specific regulations governing your visa shall help in making informed decisions.

Complete Optional Practical Training

The OPT is a crucial bridge between academic life and the professional world. During your OPT period, one can get relevant work experience in their respective field, network with industry professionals, and explore potential sponsorship opportunities from your employers.

Get permanent employment

Building a professional foundation is a key step in the PR journey. One must make full use of their OPT period to secure employment with a U.S. employer. Some employers may be willing to sponsor your work visa, such as the H-1B visa, which can be a stepping stone toward PR.

In addition, employment-based green cards, particularly the EB-2 and EB-3 categories, are pathways to PR for individuals with advanced degrees or specific professional skills. Employers may sponsor eligible candidates, demonstrating a commitment to supporting your long-term career in the USA.

Stay informed regarding the changing policies

Policies of immigration are subject to change and hence, one must remain updated about updates in immigration laws and policies to make well-informed decisions. Regularly check official government websites and consult with legal professionals to ensure accurate and up-to-date information.

Navigating the path to Permanent Residency in the USA after higher education is a multi-faceted journey that requires careful planning, strategic career choices, and adherence to immigration regulations. By understanding your visa status, exploring employment opportunities, and staying informed about various immigration pathways, you can position yourself for success

in obtaining PR. To know more, about how one can apply for a green card or permanent residence in the US, keep checking the website of US government.
